Thursday, September 15, 2011

Samsung's 8.9" Tab Should Be Priced Like These Archos Tablets

Archos will be selling their new Honeycomb tablets with 8" screen and dual-core GPU from Texas Instruments,  OMAP 4 (promises to be faster than the Tegra 2) starting at $329 and up. I've had limited experience with Archos a long time ago and the build was decent but not great.  Called the G9, these tablets promise to be very competitive.

I don't know what the battery life is going to be like but Archos isn't really known for long battery life.  Any tablet worth a dime needs to be able to sustain the mobile use of its owners.

However, I do think Samsung should learn a couple of things from Archos about pricing.  If the 8.9" started around $350, I think it would be worth a look.  Like I've said in the previous post on the 8.9" Tab, the 10.1" is the only one worth considering.

But these Archos tablets at these low prices deserve your attention.

Source:  Engadget. G9 spec page at Archos.

Note: There is a G9 model starting at $299 for 8 GB of storage.  I did not think it was worth mention when you can double the storage for $30 more.

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