Monday, August 1, 2011

Samsung's 7" Screen with 1024x768 Resolutions Opens New Possibilities For Tablets

So for the 7" tablet market is largely confined to the Android flavor running Gingerbread or an even earlier version.  They also sport an across-the-board 1024 x 600 resolution.  And  it is only the most recent version of Honeycomb that will support 7" tablets natively.

And now, Samsung has improved on the 7" screen with a WSVGA resolution 1024 x 768, one that we continue to on LCD and notebook screens.  And this has not only a good chance of being adopted by Android device makers but perhaps even HP.  Or maybe even Apple?

Sharing a common resolution across multiple platforms could be a boom for developers.  Perhaps there are basic frameworks for their developments that can then use across platforms.  

And for HP, it could offer a smaller 7" Touchpad sharing the same resolution as the bigger 10.1" Touchpad.  Developers certainly would be happy about this.  It would allow them to develop one app for two tablets without modification.  

And should Apple follow and use a similar 7" tablet with the same 1024 x 768 resolution as its current iPad, it could open the door for a smaller iPad or a bigger screened iPod touch.  

I remain hopeful that we'll see a bunch of sub-10" tablets in the second half of 2011 to take advantage of the Holiday Season.  And this new screen could pave the way for that to happen.

Source:  Ubergizmo.

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