Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Trojan Virus Found

First let me just say that both Apple and Google have good reason for not allowing third-party, unapproved apps to be downloaded and installed. And yes, we also have good reason for not liking this restriction. With that out of the way, a new trojan virus has been found in an Android app store in China.

According this article, Lookout, a security outfit, detected it and it appears to be isolated so far in China. And like SAR, however, it has the ability to spread. And it doesn't go through airport checkouts but has an easier way to propagate through the Internet.

But if you're like most Android users, you get your apps through the official Marketplace, I don't know if you have a whole lot to be concerned about other than to be vigilant and check the Web from time to time for updates.

But from what has been learned, it's scary.

  • The trojan horse checks in to a few sites from time to time.
  • Once tact has been made with these sites, it transmits information that it has gathered.
This means it has the potential to create “a malicious ad-network to an attempt to create an Android botnet”.

That's all for now. So who's right? A restrictive environment or a more open once? I don't know the answer to that. I do know that hackers and cyber-criminals are smart folks and one way or another, they'll find a way through cracks. It's a matter of just how many cracks we are willing to afford and how big they'll be.

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