Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sprint Doubles Down On iPhone; T-Mobile Should Go All In With Android

T-Mobile is in limbo now as Sprint has decide to cast its lot with Apple.  However, T-Mobile can distinguish itself as the carrier that non-iPhoners can go to if they want to avoid all things Apple.

Furthermore, it can continue to try to steal customers with low-cost plans.  I've always thought as T-Mobile as an innovative force in the wireless market - willing to experiment with different ways to satisfy customer needs.

I've left T-Mobile because of the fowl taste that AT&T brings.  I hope some element of T-Mobile survives should the takeover be completed as expected.  If not, I might be back.

And these days, T-Mobile has a few high end Android devices that can match those available at its competitors.  It just has to stay on course.

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