Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Motorola Got Google to Pay 33% More Than It Wanted To

Google initially offered to pay $30 a share for Motorola Mobility.  But shrewd moves by Motorola got Google to up the price to $40 a share.

Obviously, Motorola knew that Google was in a tough spot with the Android being assaulted by Apple, Microsoft, and Oracle in the patent war.  It's unsure just how Motorola's patents will aid Android's chances against these tech giants.

We'll know in the next year or so.  However, it's likely that Google has far more planned than to just use Motorola's patents to defend Android and its partners.  There are suggests that Google will use Motorola's hardware expertise to integrate Android and the handsets/tablets closer a long the line of Apple's mobile strategy.

Source:  Reuters.

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