Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Facebook's HTML App Store - Future Or Folly

For some, the utopian app environment for mobile is one in which the progenitors of mobile platforms do no exercise any control over what apps are allowed or disallowed.  And while there are some directories already available in the Web, we are quite a long time from that day. 

Meanwhile, the push towards that day continues.  The most powerful push in this direction is Facebook's HTML 5 based apps for the mobile browsers.  And there are a few reasons why this is important.  

First, freedom.  No more walled gardens.  For better or worse, we are looking at just such a future.  I don't know about you but I fully expect a web-based apps to come close to what regular apps can do.  Webapps may even rival standalone apps years from now.  

Second, accessibility. I like to see a scheme in which webapps can be downloaded and used like a regular app is something just in its infancy.

Third, always updated.  With webapps, we're always updated.  Today, a developer publishes a standalone app, we pay for it, and then later on, we get an update or two and maybe a new feature will come with that.  Then with the next version, we go through that all over again.  With webapps, I honestly cannot see the scheme of payment and updates.  But rest assured, you'll always be updated in one manner or another.

I try to use web apps as much as possible.   Standalone apps are the way to go for now.  Obviously.  But if Facebook and Google, both making pushes with HTML 5, the future of webapps looks pretty bright.

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